
Ace the California Bar
Exam with BarEssay

Bar Essay Assistant is a generative chatbot (“GPT”), that we built using OpenAI’s Application Programming Interfaces (‘APIs’). BarEssay runs on Chat-GPT-4o. We added our own Large Language Model (‘LLM’) comprised of most of the published and some unpublished previous California Bar Exam essay questions and sample answers, as well as old Performance Test Materials and example essays. And then we programmed BarEssay with our own proprietary special sauce and super specific instructions especially tailored for the unique marking scenario presented by the California Bar.

The result is an extremely powerful and helpful Assistant that can help you prepare for the California Bar Exam essay components (Bar Essays and Performance Tests). awesome right?

We put together a few videos demonstrating BarEssay’s amazing capabilities. We hope you enjoy them!

BarEssay Video Walkthrough’s

Here are a few videos demonstrating BarEssay’s amazing capabilities. We hope you enjoy them! And that you succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

Quick Demo

In this video, I showcase how BarEssay.ai enhances California Bar Exam essay preparation. I demonstrate uploading essay questions, receiving evaluations, creating folders, and generating novel essay questions and outlines. Join me to explore these features and optimize your Bar Essay readiness!

Prompting Tricks

In this video, I delve into the art of prompting for effective feedback. By asking open-ended questions, we can unlock valuable insights from BarEssay.ai to enhance our preparation for the California bar exam. Watch as I demonstrate how to prompt effectively and receive tailored feedback to boost your essay scores. Let's conquer those essay components together!

Tokenization WTF!

In this video, I delve into the importance of tokenization for using our platform efficiently. Tokenization helps manage interactions with OpenAI's API, ensuring a smooth experience for our users. No action requested, just valuable insights on how tokens impact your usage.

Membership Tiers

We understand that every student's journey is different. That's why we offer these three tiers of Membership - Basic, Intermediate and Premium - to provide the right level of support at every stage of your preparation.

Get to Know the
BarEssay Founder

Bar Essay Assistant is a generative chat bot (“GPT”), that we built using OpenAI’s Application Programming Interfaces (‘APIs’). BarEssay runs on Chat-GPT-4o. We added our own Large Language Model (‘LLM’) comprised of most of the published and some unpublished previous California Bar Exam essay questions and sample answers, as well as old Performance Test Materials and example essays. And then we programmed BarEssay with our own proprietary special sauce and specific instructions especially tailored for the unique marking scenario presented by the California Bar.

The result is an extremely powerful and helpful Assistant that can help you prepare for the California Bar Exam essay components (Bar Essays and Performance Tests).

Its just me, Robb. Hunkered down in my basement, hacking together a few thousand essays in the LLM, and then instructing this chatbot to help you pass the California Bar.

30 years of legendary legal experience, some hacking prowess, and a general disdain for authority and systemic injustices.